President’s Letter – Abundance and Gratitude

My heart is so full this season at the Guild!  As I reflect on the prior 2022-23 OCAG Executive Board year, I count my blessings for all the wonderful members and volunteers I have had the pleasure of working with, including our outgoing Board members.

I would like to take the time to thank Jo Guscott, Nancy Lanzel, Judy Lepore, and Bill McNamara for all they have done for the Guild in service to our Executive Board, Trustees and membership at large!

Jo Guscott, who has served as Trustee and a former Vice President of OCAG, may be leaving the Board but will be staying on as a volunteer in our Fundraising and Gallery Committees.  Jo has always been and continues to be a shining star for helping us stay focused and achieve our goals, while making any given activity more fun with wine and sharing her delicious baked treats with us!  Jo always steps up to help whenever she can, even picking up a paint brush to help ready the new OCAG Popup Gallery! 


Nancy Lanzel may be leaving the Board as our Recording Secretary but will surely continue to brighten our days and provide support and encouragement to our fellow artists during our Thursday Do Your Own Thing sessions.


Judy Lepore leaves her role as Vice President behind but continues to volunteer to lead the creation of our beautiful bi-monthly newsletter!  Judy is, and has been for many years, a very active all-around volunteer, even recruiting her family and friends to serve the Guild!  I have witnessed so much of her generosity over the years, including coordinating our receptionists, special events, holiday decorating, painting the Studio walls, planting and watering the flowers.  The list goes on!  I am so thankful for Judy’s friendship and support.

Our outgoing Treasurer, Bill McNamara, has been a positive force in the Guild.  With his expertise and great business acumen, we were able to secure the services of an architectural/engineering firm to come up with a plan and budget for the repair and restoration of our Victorian lady.  Bill has also provided great financial management support to us over the years which has enabled us to apply for and receive awards of many grants.  An avid photographer, he led our Photography Group and helped coordinate many photography shows in our galleries as well.  He may be leaving the Board, but he will remain a member and friend of the Guild.  Thank you, Bill, for all you have done for us!


Looking ahead to 2023-24 OCAG year, I am so thankful for the members of our newly elected Executive Board and Trustees:

Executive Board

President:  Kim Cesaretti

Vice President:  Terry Konn

Recording Secretary
Katie Miskolcy

Treasurer:  Beatriz Marquez

Membership Secretary
Wendy Kovacs

Corresponding Secretary
Kim Daley

Trustees (total of nine, in alphabetical order):

John Columbus
Sally Cornelison
AnnMarie Dario
Lorraine Dey
Dan Epstein
Janet Frederiksen
Bob Henne
Kathy Landmesser
Ken Weiner

I am very excited to have the opportunity to work with our new Board in the coming year.  Each and every one of these volunteers has a unique set of skills that will help the Guild grow art and artists in Ocean County and beyond!  We have much to accomplish this years and in the years that follow.  Thank you so much to our new Board for stepping up to volunteer to help us reach our goals!

On another note, keep an eye on your email inbox and the Events page on our website.  I am planning an OCAG Volunteer Appreciation event which will take place in November.  I am looking forward to the opportunity to recognize and personally thank our volunteers for their service to the Guild this past year.  I hope you all enjoy this Fall season!

All the Best,
Kim Cesaretti
2023/24 President of OCAG
Live Your Best Art Life!